
When thinking of something expressive, inspiring, and transformative, the Doodle Arts may not easily come to mind, however, when you meet the stars of the CAMON 20 Doodle Edition launch with Android, they define the above effortlessly. They effortlessly glowed at the launch of the TECNO CAMON 20 Doodle Edition launch with Android and truly brought life and colours to an already glowing atmosphere! As they walked the Doodle Carpet, their excitement and enthusiasm were contagious, reflecting the perfect blend of art and technology showcased by the smartphone.

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Attendees like Saga, Yemi Cregx, Vee, and Tacha amongst others, donning their stylish outfits were captivated by the mesmerising Doodle art that serenaded them on the Doodle carpet at the bespoke launch held at the Arts Gallery. Their aura and awe filled the air, creating an unforgettable night of creativity and inspiration. You may have missed the launch, witness the doodle magic as you see the amazing images from the Doodle Carpet!

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You can own a CAMON 20 Doodle device with a down payment of only 30% in an interest-free package powered by Easybuy. Head over to any TENO Official store and get your hands on these devices without spending a fortune. Follow TECNO on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to glimpse more Doodle Stars and experience the fusion of art and technology like never before.


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