Download Music Mp3:- James Modeme – Aka Anyi Di N’elu (Our Hands Are Lifted Up)

James Modeme is a BSC holder in physics and also a husband to Ayanda Joe father public figure psalmist CEO of James Motors in 2017, James Modeme relocated to Johannesburg South Africa where he continues to serve as one of the Iead Singers at (Christ the Solution Ministry International Due to his passion for excellence and his vast experience he has transformed the choir to a world class group and later went ahead to record his first single “AKA ANYI DI N’ELU ”.
A song written by him Follow James Modeme on social media and subscribe to his YouTube channel for new music and ministry updates BIOGRAPHY Modeme Nnabuife James famously famously Knows as (James Modeme) a Nigerian born South African – based gospel artist is an exceptional and phenomenal worship leader songwriter and Worship Ieader His ministry is approached with an unparalleled Zeal tinged with divine grace having been told by his parents (Chief and Mrs. Lucky Modeme ) since Childhood that he has a life committed to the worship of Yahweh James Modeme began his musical career at a young age with the St Louis Catholic parish Choir where he was a significant worship leader.