Aww. She finally realised that she’s just been a worker bee while the other baby mamas are queen bees. Ladies, the worst thing you can do is marry man with baby mamas that are single and not dating anybody. The baby mamas without a man publicly attached to them, guaranteed your husband is still sleeping with them. This is sex we are talking about. Once two people have been that close, there can never be a wall between them. So, as wife, you cook, clean, entertain family, deal with terrible in-laws, slave and labour and then suffer the stress of being faithful even when he keeps on wandering and you can’t stand sex with him, but you are Mrs. Meanwhile, baby mama is free from all of that sufferness, abuse, manual labour and restrictions that is associated with wifely role but she is enjoying all of the same benefits and goodies and money as you, and maybe even more, because a man will treat all his children equally. Being a Mrs is overrated when your husband has several single baby mamas. You are just like first wife that is constantly cooking for everybody while the other wives laze about. All you do is take care of him for the rest of your co-egg donors to enjoy.