Paul Okoye’s wife, Ivy clashes with trolls over colour of her breast milk

Paul Okoye’s wife, Ivy clashes with trolls over colour of her breast milk

Ivy Ifeoma, wife of singer Paul Okoye educates trolls who questioned the authenticity of her breast milk due to its colour.

The new mother had shared a video of her breast milk on Instagram, which prompted a comment from a follower claiming the milk looked like diluted milk and asserting that breast milk isn’t typically as pure as hers.

One of the trolls wrote, “That thing you brought out is formula not breast milk. Breast milk is a bit yellowish.”

Taking to her Instagram story, Ivy responded with a sharp yet informative reply, addressing the misconceptions and providing clarity.

She began by questioning the follower’s understanding, stating:
“Some of you guys in the comments aren’t bright. When did all humans become the same? Do you know that the color changes over time? The ‘yellowish’ one is colostrum-infused.”

Ivy also asked if the critic was a mother and expressed frustration over baseless comments confusing new mothers. She emphasized that the colour of breast milk varies, especially in the early stages when colostrum, a nutrient-rich first milk, is present.

The new mum who welcomed her child some weeks ago concluded her response with some advice:
“Don’t knock what you don’t know and don’t confuse new/expecting mums.”

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